A downloadable game

What is Vroomba's Run for freedom?

"Vroomba's Run for Freedom" is a single player puzzle game in the top-down perspective, were you play a small Vacuum Cleaner , which has come to life and gained consciousness after lightning struck in its charging station. It is now trying to escape from a house which rich owners are moving and thus escape from its lifelong servitude. During its escape, it tries to take as many valuables with it as possible so that it can live a good life in freedom. Through energy management and clever navigation, the player is supposed to escape from each level as quickly and with as much treasures as possible.


Who are we and what was our task?

We are  5 Game Development Students from germany. Our task was to  develop a game prototyp on the foundation of the arcade game classic "Boulder Dash".  After analyzing the Core Gameplay and Mechanics, we had to implement them in our own version of the game and extend it with our own mechanics, thus resulting in the birth of "Vroomba's Run for freedom".

We hope you enjoy!


Game Designer - https://tiamat-3.itch.io

Lead Artist - https://isaluschka.itch.io/

Artist - https://le-ita.itch.io/

Lead Programmer -  Jacob Beckstett

Programmer - https://elskral.itch.io/


How do I win the Game?

Drive around the house and collect as many valuables as possible. Every Level you have to find a special Keyitem, which grants you access to the next Level. But be careful, don't let the house residents catch you!


How do I play the Game?

  • w - up
  • a - left
  • d - right
  • s - down
  • shift - faster movement if pressed down, but the energy goes down faster too
  • space - after the keyitem of level 2 is collected, the player is able to drag boxes by holding space and moving in the opposite direction
  • esc - pauses the game
  • drive over collectables and dust to suck them up


Why is the vacuum cleaner referred to as "Vroomba"?

Well, after we found out that every other fun name to call our vacuum cleaner is copyrighted (even "Hoover" is copyrighted! it is only free to use in the UK) we had to get creative. After a short brainstormin session, we came to the conclusion that Vroomba resembles the sound many vehicles make in comics, while driving (vroom, vroom) and is close enough to the copyrighted term most people associate with this type of vacuum cleaner (*cough* IRobot *cough*), so we thought it would be a great name for our main character :D


Vroombas_Run_for_Freedom (2).exe 78 MB

Install instructions

1. download the file

2. open the README

3. open the src foulder and start the "game" .exe

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